My role as a coach is to help you discover stored-up potential energies—and help you convert that potential energy into kinetic energy.
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Top-level vs. situational awareness

Posted on 27th February, by bemmet in Uncategorized. No Comments

As you think about your life–who you are, what matters most, where y0u’re going, how you’re going to get there–it’s helpful to have two viewpoints or “lenses” to look through.

You need a Big Picture, top-level, helicopter view–a “God’s eye” view of you, if you will.  Your life will tell a story of one kind or another–but you are not the sole author of that story.  You didn’t choose your parents, siblings, place of birth, DNA and a host of other characteristics.  You arrived on the scene with some innate gifts, talents, and temperament, and you have worked to develop them, yet none of us is a fully “self-made” woman or man.  You have been shaped by some things that were outside your control, some of them helpful and upbuilding, some that were hurtful or even damaging.  You sense a call, a purpose, a grand directive to your life, but it can be hard to know where it came from or what it is exactly.  A top-level perspective can provide clarity, direction and encouragement.

Situational awareness is your understanding of what’s happening in your life right now; it’s immediate, close-up, perhaps even a bit “in your face”: life’s not working, you’re not making progress, you’re facing challenges you don’t know how to address.  Or, things can be going well, but you’re sensing “change in the wind,” and want to understand that better.  Increased situational awareness will help you find your way through the right-now.

Coaching brings you the tools and resources you need, whether you’re seeking clearer top-level or situational awareness.  Give me a ping or a ring (781.850.6739) if you’d like to talk this over.


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