My role as a coach is to help you discover stored-up potential energies—and help you convert that potential energy into kinetic energy.
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Posted on 25th January, by bemmet in Uncategorized. No Comments

No one wants to be called a “misfit”!  Means you don’t fit in, don’t belong, are kind of an odd duck, an outlier.

But “misfit” can describe the disconnect, the lack of “a good fit,” between who you are and what you do.  You might feel like a “misfit,” but that feeling is telling you something important, something worth paying close attention to.

In a perfect world, we could “do who we are” — but we don’t live there.  It’s part of the journey of our lives, to move towards and then into that “best fit” between who I am and what I do.

It’s about much more than trying to find your so-called “dream job” or taking your current work “to the next level.”  No job can tell you who you are; no job can give to you a deep, true, and well-founded identity.  But work is an important aspect of life, so it’s wise to learn who you really are, and try to move into work that fits you.  But it won’t be because you allow your job to tell you who you are.  It will be because you are learning to tell your life and your circumstances who you are.

A coach can help–not by telling you the answers, but by helping you ask better questions, and then develop pathways into those answers.

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