My role as a coach is to help you discover stored-up potential energies—and help you convert that potential energy into kinetic energy.
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Posted on 8th November, by bemmet in Uncategorized. No Comments

Why “Kinetic Life Coaching”?

Back to high-school physics: potential energy is energy that is stored up.  It’s available but not yet activated or released.  Kinetic energy is energy in motion, energy released and put to work.

No human being lacks potential.  But most all of us, at some times and for a variety of reasons, experience difficulty getting our life’s energies harnessed, focused and released.  Sometimes we flail, expending energy in all kinds of directions but to no real purpose.  Sometimes we get “stuck,” either going in circles or not really moving at all.

Coaching is a way to get your life’s energies clarified and moving in directions that make sense for you, that help you move towards where you want to go, and where you need to go, in order to become more fully who you really are.

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